To pay a footbal player BP 500,000 A WEEK to kick a football.
It's absolutely ludicrous and simply outrageous!
When the whole world is busy protesting to Israel and their barbaric acts, this particular Arab guy, a monarch of an oil-rich-Arab country to boot, decided to splash (more like to flood) 120 Million EUROS! On a player!
I hate those f*****g Arabs!
When another Muslim country is facing one of the worst humanitarian crisis the world have ever seen, in dire need of rations and support; this so-called Muslim brother who has all the resources that they need wasted that millions of cash in a game of football (especially for a player) made me utterly sick!
I hate those f*****g Arabs!
Now I know why the Jews are so strong and the Muslims so weak.
Forget about boycotting. If things like this keeps happening, no matter what we do it will still be the same.
Arab countries do realise if they stop distributing their oil to America, America would fall like bricks.
Instead, they keep doing business with them and just watch how the Americans and their master; Israel, kill thousands of our Muslim brothers and sisters right in front of their eyes!
What do they do with the money? They flouted their money and wasted millions on women, cars, jet, man-made islands and a player.
Do they use it to develop their country? No. Do they care about Halal and Haram? No. Do they care about helping those in need? No. Do they care about responsibility? Hell no.
Here we are, furiously collecting donations. I can bet even If we collected donations for a whole year, the amount would still be short of the 120 Million Euros the stupid Arab will pay for Kaka. How wasteful and how stupid.
In a footballing sense though, Milan must be in dreamland right now. Extended Christmas. Premium and bumper gift from santa. Imagine what they can do with that huge amount of cash.
That amount of that cash equals the amount of salary they would have to pay their players for a whole year!
Give them Kaka; get yourself Messi, Casillas, Aguero and all the best players in the world. You will still have a balance left to buy all your players ice-cream.
aye. i agree.
minyak kurnian Allah sepatutnya d gunakan utk membantu umat Islam yg menderita bukan utk beli kaka, monsoon cup, sponsor F1.... lagi bgs kalu d tarik je nikmat 2 dr d biar membazir.. pemimpin bukan islam mcm Chavez n pres bolivia lg bgs dr pemimpin2 Islam, sekurg2nye dieorg usir duta israel n putus hubungan dgn rejim zionis 2.. buakn n asyik duk mesyuarat je.. Israel xkn dengar resolusi atau setakat bidasan halus.. senjata je jawapannye..
haha...aku agree jgk...tapikan...bgs jgk kaka masuk...byk skit player best2...haha...lg satu...mana tau die da derma kat palestin...takkan nak bgtau kat sume org yg die derma
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