Friday, January 23, 2009


Okay, I'm supposed to complete my travel log but I don't want to.
2 weeks (is it 3 now?) into new semester; unbelievably hectic! I love it!
I'm the kind of guy who loves being busy even though I complain a lot. Strange.
Kaka does not want to go to Man City, thank god for that.
The Saudi royalty pledged a few billions to the Palestine people, so I have to take back my words after what I had said about the Arabs. Sorry. Haha!
I will complete a tag first (courtesy of Yat n John) before I continue with my travel log maybe tomorrow.

1. Apabila telah terpilih dengan malangnya, silalah menulis 16 perkara paling rawak sama ada tentang fakta, perangai tak senonoh ataupun hala tuju hidup anda.
2. Silalah hasut 16 orang lain untuk melakukan perkara ini.
3. Sila tanda manusia yang telah menanda anda di peringkat awal.
4. Ketahuilah, jika anda terpilih ia adalah kerana anda juga manusia biasa yang perlukan perhatian dan kasih sayang yang secukupnya ketika bayi.

1) 16 perkara banyak sangat. Siapalah cipta tag ni.
2) Dah kurang 1, 15 lagi.
3) Dah kurang 2, 14 lagi. Haha!
4) Ashraf ialah Arsenal. Arsenal ialah Ashraf. Ambil Arsenal dari Ashraf, tiada lagi Ashraf.
5) Aku tak suka orang panggil aku 'Acap'. Nak panggil Ashraf, Ash, Fuad, Raf, semua boleh. Jangan Acap.
6) Aku Jawa totok yang tak reti makan tempe. Cakap la apa2 pon.
7) Lelaki berjiwa sensitif. Ececece! Kalau kau tak sensitif, kau batu.
8) 6 tahun belajar bawah sistem PNG(GPA), tak sekali pun pernah dapat Anugerah Dekan.
9) Tapi dapat UPSR 5A, PMR 8A, SPM 8A1B. Jadi, apa masalah aku?!
10) Cita2 menjadi juruterbang sejak kecil tapi situasi mungkin tak mengizinkan cita2 tu diikuti.
11) Dulu aku ada adik lelaki. Betul tak tipu.
12) Ayah aku kata, aku rajin tapi tak sistematik. Adik aku pula sistematik, tapi tak rajin. Last man standing; aku.
13) Cepat lemah semangat. Selalu takde motivasi diri.
14) Aku bukan optimis maupun pesimis. Aku realist. Orang kata aku pesimis, tapi aku bergantung kepada fakta. Fakta mengatakan aku tak bagus.
15) Aku memang hantu lagu rock. Pasang kuat2 sebab nk fokus kat gitar, bass, dram. Aku suka metal sebab dia fokus kat semua tu. Kalau la tau main gita. Indah.
16) Aku tak suka pergi kubur adik aku sebab nama dia ada. Aku masih sukar menerima hakikat bahawa kawan baik aku sudah meninggalkan aku dahulu. Apa kau rasa kalau adik kau meninggal dulu sebelum kau?

Sesiapa yang ada hajat nak buat tag ni silakan.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Why I hate the Arabs

To pay a footbal player BP 500,000 A WEEK to kick a football.
It's absolutely ludicrous and simply outrageous!

When the whole world is busy protesting to Israel and their barbaric acts, this particular Arab guy, a monarch of an oil-rich-Arab country to boot, decided to splash (more like to flood) 120 Million EUROS! On a player!

I hate those f*****g Arabs!

When another Muslim country is facing one of the worst humanitarian crisis the world have ever seen, in dire need of rations and support; this so-called Muslim brother who has all the resources that they need wasted that millions of cash in a game of football (especially for a player) made me utterly sick!

I hate those f*****g Arabs!

Now I know why the Jews are so strong and the Muslims so weak.
Forget about boycotting. If things like this keeps happening, no matter what we do it will still be the same.

Arab countries do realise if they stop distributing their oil to America, America would fall like bricks.
Instead, they keep doing business with them and just watch how the Americans and their master; Israel, kill thousands of our Muslim brothers and sisters right in front of their eyes!
What do they do with the money? They flouted their money and wasted millions on women, cars, jet, man-made islands and a player.
Do they use it to develop their country? No. Do they care about Halal and Haram? No. Do they care about helping those in need? No. Do they care about responsibility? Hell no.

Here we are, furiously collecting donations. I can bet even If we collected donations for a whole year, the amount would still be short of the 120 Million Euros the stupid Arab will pay for Kaka. How wasteful and how stupid.

In a footballing sense though, Milan must be in dreamland right now. Extended Christmas. Premium and bumper gift from santa. Imagine what they can do with that huge amount of cash.
That amount of that cash equals the amount of salary they would have to pay their players for a whole year!
Give them Kaka; get yourself Messi, Casillas, Aguero and all the best players in the world. You will still have a balance left to buy all your players ice-cream.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Aku tahu sekarang ni semua tengah bersemangat membenci Rejim-Zionis-Ganas-Pengganas-Hisap-Darah-Berlagak-KerasKepala-BajetPower-BapakAmerika-TakCukupTanah Israel.
Macam2 aku baca dan dengar kat berita sekarang nih.
Resolusi gencatan senjata UN - Hamas dan Israel tolak.
Bilangan mangsa kekejaman yang mati - 700+
Protes dari seluruh dunia (terkejut orang Jepun protes. Tak tau kenapa terkejut)
Malaysia tu dah biasa, sejak dulu sampai sekarang kita anti-Israel.
Bagaimana kita protes?
Cara biasa juga, tapi x pernah jalan dan x pernah berhasil; BOIKOT BARANGAN AMERIKA.

Aku baru sahaja lepas membaca akhbar The New Straits Times, dan di dalam ada sebuah artikel yang membuktikan kenapa boikot tersebut x mungkin berhasil dan x akan jalan.

Okay, ini apa yang aku fikir. Relevan ke, tak.

1)Syarikat Amerika ni, bila ke Malaysia, pemilik nya orang Malaysia la, bukan begitu? Milik Amerika hanyalah brand dia sahaja. Nama. Bayar royalti.
Jadi, bos orang Malaysia, pekerja orang Malaysia. Gaji pakai duit Malaysia, cukai pun bayar duit Malaysia. Betul? Malaysia dapat duit tu.

2)Sekarang cuba senaraikan jenama2 Amerika yang selalu digunakan dalam rumah kita, tak pun yang selalu kita pakai. Ada iPod? Barang Amerika. Laptop jenama apa? Hewlett-Packard (HP) atau Dell, Macintosh (iMac)? Barang Amerika. Software, Windows? Amerika. Linux? Amerika jugak. Kasut dan baju? Nike, Adidas, Hilfiger, macam2 lagi la. Amerika jugak (tapi dibuat di China dan Indonesia). Beg? Same jugak. BUKU TEXT. Yang karang tu orang Amerika kan? Syarikat Amerika jugak kan? Kita boikot, jimat sikit duit aku, alasan pun ada kalau tak mahu stadi.

3)MAS dan AirAsia pakai kapal terbang Boeing dan Airbus. Boeing tu Amerika punya, Airbus tu Perancis. Boeing paling banyak dipakai. RMAF pakai jet pejuang F/A 18D Hornet buatan Boeing. Kenderaan yang dijual dan dipakai di Malaysia? "Big Three" Amerika : GM, Ford, Chrysler. Mereka mengeluarkan Chevrolet, Ford, Jaguar, Mazda, Volvo, Aston Marin, Jeep. Mazda dengan Ford aku nampak banyak di atas jalan Malaysia. Aku pakai Ford. Boikot? Kita tak boleh terbang dan mempertahankan Malaysia. Nak bawak kereta boleh lagi kot.

4)Media massa. CNN, StarWorld, MTV. Amerika. Tengok wayang? Hollywood, Amerika. Transformers, Amerika (ciptaan Jepun, tapi produksi Amerika). SpiderMan, Amerika. YouTube? Amerika. Firefox? Amerika. GoogleChrome? Google tu kan Amerika...

5)Hisap rokok? British American Tobacco, ada Amerika jugak walaupun asalnya British. Produk mereka? Dunhill, Kent, Lucky Strike, Pall Mall, Peter Stuyvesant, Benson & Hedges, Winfield. Rokok Texas yang dikatakan murah tu. Texas tu bukan daerah dalam Amerika ke? Tempat Bush. Tak tau la rokok tu buatan Amerika ke, tak. Boleh ke boikot? Haha

Pendek kata la, kita rakyat Malaysia ni sebenarnya terlalu bergantung kepada produk Amerika. Ada juga dari kita yang memperolehi sumber pendapatan dari produk tersebut. Amerika negara ekonomi kuat. Banyak negara bergantung kepada Amerika. Kalau Amerika tetiba pupus, ekonomi dunia hancur. Malaysia pun ade pelabur Amerika. Nak boikot Coca-Cola, Starbucks, McDonalds (sekarang nih nak Carl's Jr. Amerika gak tu). Mampu ke kita? Merosakkan masa depan rakyat Malaysia yang ikhlas mencari sumber pendapatan kat syarikat2 tersebut? Tak boleh tu. Salah cara.

Kita berjihad. Bukan dengan boikot, tetapi dengan usaha. Titik peluh. Belajar bersungguh-sungguh, tingkatkan ekonomi negara, jadikan negara kita setanding atau lebih hebat dari Amerika. Camtu la caranya. Tapi nak hancurkan Israel? Boleh je. Aku sokong resolusi. Haha. I kid.
Apa lagi? Belajar la!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'm in Ireland! Dublin Day Seven

Oh man, updating the blog is so hard these days.
70% laziness, 30% busy. hahaha!
Anyways, I have to finish what I started.

The previous day I went to the Cliffs of Moher. It was a blast!
Today, we didn't go outside of Dublin.
Tomorrow I will be flying to London.
So, the agenda of today is to shop!
Not to shop as in shopping, but to buy souvenirs. T-shirts, key chains and some other stuffs.

Before that, Muaz brought me to his university. It wasn't as grand as UCD, but still it's the performance that matters.
Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI) have a wonderful track record. They produce wonderful doctors and Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail is one of their proud students.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammed and Sultan Azlan Shah YDPA IX were awarded Notable Honorary fellows of the university.
I managed to do my Friday prayers there and it was packed to the brim, mostly filled with Malaysian students.

Look closely : 1977 Wan Azizah ISMAIL

Hijaz said my trip to Ireland would never be complete if I don't visit Eddie's Rockets for their milkshake; Butler's for their hot chocolate; and Kebabish for their kebabs.
On that day, I visited all of them and I absolutely fell in love Butler's hot chocolate!
You can't find them in Malaysia. It's a pity really, because if Butler's came to Malaysia, it would become a huge hit with Malaysians, definitely!

Once I've bought everything that I wanted, we went back home and Muaz bought me Kebabish for dinner. It was huge! I couldn't finish it.

The next day, I took the morning plane to London. There, I met my cousin; Adrian.
'Till next time for my London report.

Death to the Terrorist State of Israel!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I'm in Ireland! Cliffs of Moher Day Six

Alright, here we go for another round of update. Oh yeah, Happy New Year everyone and happy(i really wish for it) 22 to me. If I were a professional footballer, I would've been filthy rich by now. Wishful thinking. Hehe

0900 : You know what's great about Ireland in winter? Subuh prayer ends at around 830 a.m. Fantastic! Haha. After prayer, we ate breakfast (yesterday's dinner leftover), packed our lunches, bathe, and then we went to the city centre. There's nothing much in Galway city ('cause we only spent a day there), so I didn't take any picture (actually there's one) :

Galway Cathedral.

1000 : We searched the office of a tourist guide that will take us to the Cliff of Moher. We chose a company on the internet the night before but we didn't make an online booking. We thought we'd try and find a bargain deal with other tourist guides. Finally, we decided to take the one chosen last night (we didn't even went bargain hunting actually) since their bus is ready to go. The bus didn't go straight to the Cliffs of Moher, we stopped on a lot of beautiful places along the way. The guide looked a lot like Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear.

A castle built during the Middle-ages. They have lots in Ireland.

At the entrance of Cave-Something. I forgot the name.

Me and the guys; same place, different spot, cooler pose. Haha

I managed to snap a picture of this handsome Irish bloke. Hehe

We didn't enter the cave because friends told us it is a load of crap. They're very proud of a small stalagmites/tites on the cave when we have huge and lots of 'em in Malaysia. So, pointless. Instead, we had tea (not really drinking tea, but you know, LIKE tea, eating cakes and stuff). After 30 minutes, the bus brought us to other interesting places.

I like looking silly.

We stopped by the road, somewhere beside a beach. Galway is a rocky place, not suitable for agriculture. You won't find big trees there. They have walls made of stacked stones along the roads. There are lots of roads and they ain't short either.

All along the roads in Galway and Ireland. Very impressive.

Not sand, but rocks.

1330 : We finally reached the Cliffs of Moher. It was perfect; the weather, the sun, the landscape. This trip is definitely the highlight of my Ireland travel, the inti dalam karipap. Absolutely gorgeous. Absolutely stunning. Enough with the words, let's see those pictures!

i don't think that's enough really, so I give you videos!

Here's the video when we stopped by the roadside.

The audio isn't bad, it's the ridiculously strong wind.

1600 : We made our last stop at Poulnabrone Dolmen. We've been told that it existed way back before the Stonehenge. It was an ancient burial ground. Amazing how the people that time can move a slab of solid heavy rock without using tools like we have today.

Poulnabrone Dolmen in the Burren

1900 : We were back home. We had dinner and packed our things to go back to Dublin. We thanked the hosts for their warm welcome and delicious food and headed back to Dublin.

That was basically it for an amazing day. It was the most amazing experience and the best fun I've had since I came to Ireland. The next day was basically shopping day as my day in Ireland is numbered. I'm headed to London in Saturday.