Monday, March 15, 2010

Band 5, so what??

I am not convinced with the statement "your good english can compensate for your low cgpa".
Really, how true is it? So what if i am good in english (sikit2 bole la...)?
I am not interviewing to become an english teacher. I want to be in finance.
English can only help me in writing reports or presentation and communication. But that's it really.
Ratios, financial statements, portfolios; all those stuff need brains, not english.

I'm feeling a bit low.
I don't think i can get a good job due to my bad results.
I'm not smart enough to be employed by big companies. Hmmm...


Yazrina Yusoff said...

mesti ada punya. dengan kehebatan english ko, senang la ko nak goreng dekat interview. selit2 je accounting terms kat mana2, habis cite :)

a shy said...

perjalanan u baru bermula. wake up k.. takmo down.. mesti ada tempat yg lebih baek tuk u. have believe in faith...
i love u, nomatterwhat.;)

Mysterious Lady said...

who gave that statement? maybe it's the other way round. you have to compensate your low cgpa with good communication skills.

org2 with not so high cgpa mcm kite need to do lots of proving in the interview room.

jgn putus asa ok.

I am SNS said...

i know lots of people with not so gempak cgpa but they end up getting better jobs than those wth gempak cgpa..
it's all about ur confidence and skills.
If u can show the interviewer u're as good as others and are determined to be better than the others, u might get selected.