Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mature post

I'm very interested in writing about something that is thought-provoking and debatable.
I love blogs that posts these kind of entries cause I like to think and debate, but somehow when I feel like writing some issues, nothing comes out.
So maybe, just maybe, I'll subject myself to a temporary hiatus (never used that word before so most probably the whole word is wrong. hehe)
I won't post anything until I found something that is worth posting and discussing.

But my trip to Ireland will be posted here, InsyaAllah
My holiday starts tomorrow!!!!


::shylicious:: said...

apapun kamu
dan siapa pun kamu
aku tetap setia di situ
membaca setiap hasil nukilan
muntah penulisan kamu!

for the first time *public*:
i love you!

im ur biggest fan,am i?? *sigh*

Shamsul Aizat said...

aku menanti hadiah itu. haha.

Muaz Nabil said...

how come ashraf? u got a fan? me? urgh... (kecewa2)

i'll be waiting here, but do text me earlier so that i can wait for u at the airport tau. kalau lmbt...melengu la sorang2 kat sana nnt. haha. btw, 2nd floor airport tu ada McD. kalau aku lmbt, tgu sana.