Now, when people asks you to hang out with them you would happily oblige unless you have other things to do. These are your friends, mind you. So, that is expected.
But then, you found out that the person who asks you out isn't sincere in asking you out. That friend is forced to ask you out just because you over heard their plan to go out, how would you feel?
I felt utterly horrible. Mad at the time, really. Overboard, I shamefully admit. Look, if you don't want me there, just say it. I WOULD UNDERSTAND! In fact, I would receive it better.
But, I shouldn't have gone overboard. I can be a bit emotional at times. Followers of my blog would agree with this statement. Saying HATE is easy, but to actually HATE someone is hard. Especially if you've known that person for a very long time. And when that person is actually nice, except for that one particular mistake.
I wouldn't put the names of people involved in this minor heated argument. If they read this, they would know who I was referring to.
I didn't mean what I say. It was the heat of the moment. I got carried away. I always do. Let's be friends again. Please?
ooo yke..
berkawan kne sincerely??
klau org y nk berkawan ngn kte tu bkn kte anggap dia "best frend" cmne lak eh??
tu y aku confius...
aku pon ada mslh mcm tu gk...
aku ye best frend ada wat game tp aku xajk "kawan" aku...
tp best frend aku kate dia emotional..
so cmne lak aku nk selesai kn??
plz help me...
waduh pallmall, cite ko agak mengelirukan di situ.
tapi kate orang, maaf tu senjata paling berkesan untuk hentikan peperangan.
tapi tu bergantung la pada orang tu die nak maafkan ke, x.
kadang2 orang tu akan maafkan lambat, sebab mungkin susah nak maafkan. lama2 ok la.
kot. hehe
pahmi, byk benda akan terungkai biler memangjangkan kes nie..
- pemerhati-
agree with u ashraf. sometimes being sincere is the best but most people are just difficult to be honest to themself. (nak cakap xnak bila x suka pun susah, bnyk beralasan)
Probably they only look at the stuff that they want and rejected the rest (-ve) thus finding it even harder to be honest to others.
its not that we dont understand right? we are human too :)
sometimes aku pun x suka bila jumpa dgn org2 camni. huhu.
takziah and semoga semuanya berjalan lancar semula.
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